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Ban Mai Vo


Vo Aurora Sussan Anh Ban Mai is the newest member of our creative department and has the longest name of anyone that’s ever worked at ReThinc Advertising. Mai, as we affectionately call them is Chinese-Vietnamese, the child of two high school science professors and deeply gifted graphic designer.

Here’s how that all went down.

Mai comes from a family of teachers, scientists, and medical professionals. In other words, they have a smart family. All expectations had Mai as a budding doctor but a truth was, they didn’t like (and still don’t) like science all that much. Instead Mai found themself drawn to theater which eventually and thankfully directed them to their true passion: graphic design.

Mai enrolled at Arizona State’s daunting Visual Communication Program. This school has produced some of the finest graphic designers in the country. Passion, talent, intelligence and a great work ethic resulted in a Summa Cum Laude degree for Mai as well as an internship at ReThinc Advertising. Fitting in at RT wasn’t nearly as hard as school so Mai went from intern to full time graphic designer as soon as they handed them a degree.

Mai still loves theater as well as movies, music, and audio books. Mai also loves rock climbing and now works hard to some day climb Half Dome in Yosemite. We’re going to make sure they use full gear and rope, of course.

Another fun fact about this incredibly gifted member of our family is, in their spare time, they design typefaces and practice East Asian and European caligraphy. You can google what that is here. Oddly and perhaps fortunately, Mai is allergic to alcohol and nicotine so we don’t have to worry about them going on a bender anytime soon.

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