Problems are Opportunities
We’re growing. Philosophically, it’s right in line with our founding principles. When things get tough, we want to run counter to the crowd. As of this day in what has really been an otherwise forgettable year, ReThinc Advertising now becomes ReThinc Advertising and Public Relations.
I couldn’t be more excited and no, I haven’t been drinking.
We understand that difficult economic times can be paralyzing for business. But times like this can also present great opportunities for growth and reinvention. Problems really can be opportunities if you simply choose to look at them as such.
We’ve partnered with a 15 year public relations veteran who is as well connected as he is quick with his pen. What’s even better is that he aligns perfectly with our pro-client business philosophy of providing excellence in a timely manner and at a fair price. It’s practically a dream sequence when he also agrees that life is short and making millions of dollars for some corporation is not nearly as attractive as making just enough money to be happy while also having the time to enjoy it.
It’s like we were separated at birth.
So for over a decade now (that seems like so long ago, right?) ReThinc Advertising has been providing our clients with award-winning graphic design as well as super deft execution for all things digital and traditional. More importantly, we have maintained a talented team of super great people that make it easy to do business with us. You know that we’re in your corner from the start.
I’m super proud of that reputation. We earn it everyday.
Now we can add a full suite of PR services that includes media relations, blog writing, crisis communications, thought leadership development, speech writing, CEO coaching, as well as internal and external communications strategies.
More importantly, my mother now has a better idea of what I do for a living.
All this has been made possible by an introduction made by a dear friend some six months ago (that seems like so long ago, right?). A lunch conversation led to a possibility, that led to an idea, and finally to a reality.
Friends, colleagues, and mom… I give you ReThinc Advertising AND Public Relations.
Still wondering who it is? Click here to read our first official press release!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR – Ed Olsen is the president/owner of ReThinc Advertising. He has lots of opinions on all things marketing. To read more of them, click here.