Size Matters
Being a business owner is no walk in the park. Problems come at you like spider monkeys and solutions don’t necessarily knock on your door or miraculously appear in your email inbox.(Or do they?)
Marketing your business has become one of the most challenging aspects of business ownership. Seeking help is no picnic either as there always seems to be plenty of misinformation and a few too many bad players for my liking. That being said there are still a great number of really good agencies that operate in the Phoenix market that do offer top notch customer service, sound executions and fair pricing.
The trick is picking the right agency for your marketing need. Like all the important things in life, size really does matter but in this case bigger is not necessarily better. (That sentence is a lot more clever if you read 2-3 times.)
Things to consider when you are navigating the Phoenix ad agency landscape vary from the overtly obvious (services rendered, agency strengths and pricing) to the more subtle nuances you should consider (market contacts, current client roster, contractual business practices). Another important factor to consider is just where your business fits in their portfolio. If you’re a big company do you want to work with a smaller agency and be their primary account or do you prefer to work with a larger agency that has a client list full of larger accounts.
There really is no wrong answer.
It boils down to your preference. We have a pretty sizable account that sought our assistance. When I ask them why they chose us over three significantly larger agencies, the marketing director simply stated “we want the attention that comes with being one of your biggest accounts.” Fair enough, I finished his neck massage, picked up the breakfast dishes and handed him his dry-cleaning as I thanked him for the vote of confidence.
When choosing an agency to help you with your marketing needs it’s always a good idea to go beyond the obvious. Make sure the team or the staff assigned to your account is compatible to your needs and responsive to your communication. I personally wouldn’t do business with an agency that put me in long term, binding contracts that I couldn’t get out of. I wouldn’t want to work with an agency that regularly serves as a pass through for other entities that are actually doing the work. All pretty obvious really … I think my last point would be that it’s also probably a good idea to spot check references beyond the ones they provide in their RFP or website.
If you’re still struggling to find the perfect agency to help you with their marketing efforts, take a look at your email inbox. The answer might be closer than you think.